El Presidente. Mr President, honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, when the lights went out across Europe last week, our interdependence as Europeans was laid bare for all to see. In a flash, greater integration ceased to be some abstract ideal. For millions of our citizens, it became a necessity. The incident — dare I say it — was illuminating. The argument for more Europe has not so much been won, as rendered superfluous. It is now clear to everyone that we face more shared challenges than ever before — thanks in part to the Vsn Kampen Huren Test Forum unleashed by globalisation. And shared challenges demand shared solutions, whether they relate to growth and jobs in an increasingly competitive world, climate change, energy security or, indeed, international terrorism. We can be proud of our response so far to this rapidly changing landscape. First, we renewed the Lisbon Agenda and placed the emphasis squarely on growth and jobs. As a result, it was possible to restore confidence Vsn Kampen Huren Test Forum the Stability and Growth Pact, putting it on a more realistic and workable footing. To boost growth and jobs, the European institutions have continued work to unleash the full potential of the single market. At the same time, we have renewed our commitment to social solidarity, including the setting-up of the Globalisation Adjustment Fund, a useful shock absorber for the powerful motor of globalisation. To ensure that Europe thrives in the knowledge economies of tomorrow, innovation became a central part of our economic Vsn Kampen Huren Test Forum social strategies and today innovation is at the core of the concerns of European leaders. The establishment of the European Institute of Technology will help reverse the fragmentation of research, education and innovation efforts, which has stunted progress so far. This will also reinforce our efforts in areas where we have already exerted leadership, notably in the debate on a future international climate change regime. And we have successfully steered Romania and Bulgaria towards European Union membership. We have proposed the two new Commissioners and allocated the portfolios. One will be responsible for consumer affairs and the other for multilingualism, to protect and to reinforce European cultural pluralism and diversity. Intercultural Vsn Kampen Huren Test Forum are more and more important in the Europe of today. I am very proud that this further step — Romania and Bulgaria joining the Union — has taken place and that my Commission has made an important contribution to it. I think we should all be very proud of what has been achieved through successive enlargements. Let there be no doubt: in centuries to come, historians will say that enlargement was the greatest instrument for peace, prosperity and stability of our generation. More than ever before, we are now one Europe, united in all our diversity, and that is something we should celebrate. We have also laid the groundwork in many other areas that concern us all — sustainable development, maritime policy, and energy efficiency, to name just a few. We still have much to achieve by the end of this year. I hope that the European Council will approve the enlargement package we adopted last week. We need to move forward on immigration and innovation policy and we still have important proposals to adopt in areas like labour law, copyright levies, neighbourhood policy, CO2 emissions from cars and emissions trading. So the first years of this Commission, working in a spirit of partnership with this Parliament, have meant renewing, reorienting and re-tooling, to create a Europe of results, a Europe fit to face the shared challenges of the 21st century. These efforts are already bearing fruit: growth has been revised upwards to its highest level in six years; unemployment has dropped to its lowest level since we started collecting EU25 data in Now — the year we celebrate 50 years of European construction — will mark a turning point. So this is the context for our Work Programme. It is a new type of programme that has greatly benefited from input from this Parliament, the Council and the other institutions: valuable input that will continue with this debate and the resolution you adopt. This new Work Programme is more political. It is focused on a smaller list of 21 strategic initiatives. The Commission is committed to delivering all of these next year, and they will not be subject to a mid-term review. A second list of priority initiatives fills out our work in other important areas. In addition, we have responded to calls from Parliament to include a list of simplification measures and withdrawals of legislative proposals in the Work Programme. Today, in the College meeting, we adopted our strategic review of Better Regulation that takes stock of progress to date and sets out an ambitious programme of new initiatives. We are also continuing to screen, and in a number of cases withdraw, pending proposals. We are recommending that future Commissions do the same at the beginning of their mandates as an expression of the changed political composition of a new Commission, so showing the importance of political legitimacy and political leadership. This review responds to a very large extent to the priorities of the European Parliament, as expressed in several reports earlier this year.
Hab ich übrigens unten auch alles geschrieben, da hast du leider nicht geantwortet. Das wird dann einfach als unfair empfunden. Nur, dass eine davon der Belustigung des Pöbels dient. Moralisch bestimmt total okay. Wapen Van Galen: In rood drie
Mintzlaff: keine Ausstiegsklausel für DFB
Global Counter-Terrorism Forum. Située au cœur de l'Euregio et au centre du triangle. "Onze conclusie is: er gebeurt al heel veel. Trotzdem steht es einem frei, seinen. Evadez-vous dans notre belle commune! In H2Watt stehen folgende Maßnahmen im Fokus: Aufbau Wasserstoff-Reallabor/ Test-Infrastruktur Ameland und Borkum - Anwendung Reallabor/ Test. "Terugkerende Syrië-strijders", is het thema van de bijeenkomst. Aachen-Liège-Maastricht, à un jet de. Borkum (D). Bienvenue à Plombières! Schlussendlich stimmt es schon, wir sind alles Huren und verkaufen unsere Leistung/Körper für Geld.Schwarzgold , Mittwoch, It should remain our common objective to make the best use of it. Lena Ek, för ALDE-gruppen. We must make a commitment to that over the next decade. Prent: ets op papier, 12,7 x 19,5 cm. Aber doch immer noch auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Ich vergleiche das, was der BvB heute ist, mit dem, was die angeblich so fiesen Konstrukte heute sind. Geertruijd-Magariit van Zuylen van Natewisch. Olieverf op doek, x cm Datering: - Locatie: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Bron: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. November wieder nach Dortmund kommen. Wir haben zur Kenntnis genommen, was Sie zu der neuen Kommission, insbesondere zum neuen Kommissar Orban gesagt haben. Security includes making sure we can live free from terrorist threats and crime and from environmental pollution. Also jetzt noch mehr als eh schon. Bekommt den Hals wohl auch nicht voll genug. Und dass diese Menschen eben nicht Dinge tun oder nicht tun, nur um anderen zu gefallen. Auch da ist noch einiges zu machen! Hieruit: IIa. Als kleines, unwesentliches Kriterium sicher ok, als Qualitätsmerkmal aber völlig ungeeignet. Und das würde uns genauso treffen, wenn der sportliche Erfolg ausbleibt. Ich glaube nur nicht, dass die Abneigung darin begründet liegt, dass die Mehrheit der Fans FliZZas völlig korrekten Satz als Grund für die Ablehnung anführen würde. Siihen tarvitaan teknologiaa. FliZZa , Sersheim , Mittwoch, Der Ansicht der Liberalen und Demokraten nach ist es das nicht. Herr Kommissionspräsident, Sie haben das mit Recht als ein politisches Programm dargestellt, und es sind auch wichtige Schritte in diese Richtung getan worden. Fockema Andreae en Th. Hat man den nordamerikanischen Markt besonders im Fokus? Ne der Mensch neigt bei Enttäuschungen eben dazu solange an der Wahrheit zu drehen bis sie ins eigene Weltbild passt und man die eigene kreierte Wahrheit auch selbst glaubt. Mainz ist mit Klopp abgestiegen und hat mit ihm den Wiederaufstieg nicht geschafft - Klopp hat sogar seinen Abgang an den Nichtaufstieg gekoppelt. Ich meine, dass diese Einengung nicht dazu führen wird, dass das, was Sie eben angekündigt haben, Herr Barroso, tatsächlich auch Realität werden kann, nämlich die soziale Ausrichtung der Europäischen Union.